Like most surgical
procedures, getting dental implants call for extra care and
attention, at least for the first few weeks as the surgery heals and
as you get used to having a metal root deep in your gum. Always ask
your dentist for recovery tips and follow them conscientiously. Here
are a few things you might hear from your dental professional.
Don’t drink
anything hot nor eat anything at all during the first day while the
local anesthetic wears off. Stick to soft foods for the first few
weeks as well, because the implant might not be able to efficiently
bond with your jawbone. If you’re drinking anything, don’t swill
the cold liquid on the affected area.
Know that the
surgery area might ache and be sore for a few days following your
treatment, so ask your doctor for prescription painkillers, and be
sure to take it (and keep it in the minimum stated dose, too).
Instead of pumping up your painkiller intake, call your doctor if the
pain isn’t subsiding.
If you are a heavy
smoker, you need to curb your use—at least, until after the implant
has healed. Alcohol consumption and constant stress can also burn you
out and keep your body’s immune system from functioning properly,
so you should consider adjusting your lifestyle until your dentist
says that you can resume with your usual lifestyle habits.
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